Thursday, 8 April 2010

A Word for Delhi

Okay, so I'm rather enjoying my current read- 'Eat Pray Love' by Elizabeth Gilbert. An interesting idea she exprsses in the book is that every city has a single word that defines it, that identifies most people who live there.

"If you could read people's thoughts as they were passing you on the streets of any given place, you would discover that most of them are thinking the same thought. Whatever that majority thought might be- that is the word for the city."

A little far fetched, perhaps, but interesting nonetheless.

So if, according to the book, the word 'achieve' best describes New York, 'sex' best describes Rome (minus the Vatican, mind you; the word for that is 'power), and 'succeed' best captures the spirit of LA, what's the word, I wonder, for Delhi?

The Daze of My Virtual Life

Good morning, world!
There's so much to do
Yards of lavendar bushels
To harvest my way through

There are neighbours' farms to fertilise
And tanks of fuel to find
In the race to build my own French mansion
I shall not be left behind

Who thought blueberry cheesecake
Would be such a breeze?
And a day would come when LV size zero's
Would slip on with such ease?

My 'friends' all 'like' me
And everything I do
And I can 'like' what they 'like'
And 'like that, in turn, too

I can be who I want
Without judgement or fear
Who wants the 'real' world
When all I want is right here