It is official. I am definitely a texter rather than a caller. Unfortunately most people don't leave me be. They hound, pound, resound...till I give in to picking up that most unwelcome phone call.
Let me make it clear that my aversion for talking on the phone has nothing whatsoever to do with who is calling. I just find it too intrusive.
Texting, on the other hand, right away gives me the advantage of communicating in a medium I am naturally more comfortable in- the written rather than the spoken word. Along with that. it offers other multi-pronged advantages, in terms of stretchable pondering time, the highly delicious 'tease' effect, and, of course, the ever-handy, in-built damage-control mechanism- I may have ended up with my foot in my mouth but the wink/tongue-in-cheek smiley always comes to my rescue.
So there.