Thursday, 29 April 2010

A Day in the Life of a School Counsellor

Day 1

J & D want to be friends with M
M wants to be friends with them too, but only if they agree to be friends with A too
J & D do not want to be friends with A, only with M
Therefore M does not want to be friends with J & D

Day 2
J & D do not want to be friends with M or A
M & A do not want to be friends with J & D

Later on Day 2
M decides to be friends with D only
D wants to be friends with M but not with A
J does not want D to be friends with M, as M has not agreed to be friends with her (J)

By end of Day 2
(I want to tear my hair out and quit!)

Yes. As trivial as these details may seem, they are a VERY BIG DEAL in the life of a 12 year-old. Perhaps as big as global warming and that pending promotion are in ours. And we, as adults around them, need to understand that. Urgently and unquestioningly.


Devscape said...

Wisely written and rightly said. So, true.

Soubhik said...

my sympathies...

Unknown said...

All too familiar - and after a month of working with them, sometimes J is friends with X, M with Y, and D, A and Q have a separate group of their own!

Akanksha said...

Just a tiny correction.
Technically this is not A day in the life of a school counsellor.
More like two.
Eeeks forgive me for I am about to start work as an editor.
Can't help but notice such things. Haha. :p

Akriti Hussain! said...

OH MY GOD.......SOOOOOO TRUE and HOWWWWW!!!!!!!!! Its there biggest problem get it you adults!!