Friday, 20 January 2012

Of Mergers and Apartness- II

I said : Do you ever feel like there's always two people in a relationship, no matter how fused they seem? Does it leave you feeling disheartened too? Sometimes no walls within can mean no walls without too. It's scary. Why do all of us crave fusion and union when separateness is what defines us? Union can sometimes cause the delusion of sameness. Yet, union can only happen between two separate entities. If they were the same, how could they possibly unite? And yet, once united, they want to be thought of as being the same. Silly, silly entities.

She said: Fusing in moments I have experienced. Unison- in thought. Glances that know the inside and outside. But have always wondered about total surrender. Instead of keeping my identity and fusing, how about giving up mine? And I have felt total surrender at one time. And felt bigger than my own self. Because I did not exist in any recognisable form. It didn't last. Very long. 

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